by amanda | Uncategorized
Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements may be associated with celebrities and extremely wealthy individuals – but they’re for everyone! In fact, a 2023 poll by Axios/Harris found that over 50% of American adults polled said they were open to signing a...
by amanda | Uncategorized
The Wall Street Journal recently published an article involving a scenario that-while significant and possibly worst-case-may be more common than you may think. Specifically, the article describes a scenario under which Margaret Sjostedt, the former girlfriend of a...
by amanda | Uncategorized
Recent headlines have been buzzing about the median asking price of homes dropping compared to last year, and that’s sparked plenty of confusion. Read More
by amanda | Uncategorized
While having an estate plan in place to provide for your possible incapacity and death is important, many people also look for a way to pass down their values. This can be done through a document called an Ethical Will, which can be one of the most important gifts you...
by amanda | Uncategorized
Based on a recent study, in 22 of the top 50 metros, the monthly mortgage payment is lower than the rent payment. Read More
by amanda | Uncategorized
Seeing your house sit on the market without any bites is the ultimate frustration. Read More