Home Price Growth Is Moderating – Here’s Why That’s Good for You
Over the past few years, home prices skyrocketed. That's been frustrating for buyers, leaving many wondering if they'd ever get a shot at owning a home. Read More
Not Maintaining an Up-to-Date Inventory of Art and Collectibles for Estate Planning
A well-organized inventory is essential for effectively managing and planning the distribution of collectibles, including art. Clients may struggle to track their assets without an inventory, making future distribution and estate planning significantly more...
3 Reasons To Buy a Home Before Spring
Let's face it - buying a home can feel like a challenge with today's mortgage rates. Read More
So What is a Trust, Really? Newell v. Superior Court and the Worst Party Game Ever
Hey everybody - it's January! How was your New Year's Eve? How did you celebrate? Did you go to a party? Did you host a party? Were there games at your party? What kind of games? Charades? Jenga? Maybe you went crazy and played Twister!...By: Downey Brand LLPRead...
Legal-Ease: What Happens to Assets If I Do No Estate Planning at All?
Dear Jonathan: Based on my research, I feel like I'm pretty well versed in what I am supposed to do when it comes to creating an estate plan for myself. Everything I have read says that I should have a will, powers of attorney and a trust. What I would like to know,...
How Home Equity Can Help Fuel Your Retirement
If retirement is on the horizon, now's the time to start thinking about your next chapter. Read More
Not Realizing the True Value of “Stuff”
For federal estate and gift tax purposes, transfers are valued at the "fair market value" of the asset on the date of transfer. One of the more common estate tax audit issues is the failure to properly report the value of items of tangible personal property on a...
Passing a Business or Wealth to Your Children
A well-structured trust is often a central estate planning tool for small businesses and closely held family business owners when passing a business or wealth to your children. This includes heirs, beneficiaries, and future generations of your family and spouses while...
Starting a Difficult but Important Discussion
Looking for a way to stop family arguments over politics? Well, who isn't. A quick way to derail a familial political scuffle: Quietly announce that you want to talk about your will. The silence should be automatic. It's important to talk about your estate plan while...
What To Do If Your House Didn’t Sell
Last year, as many as 1 in 3 sellers took their home off the market because it wasn't selling. Read More