by amanda | Uncategorized
Want to know some of the top mistakes sellers are making today and how to make sure they don’t happen to you too? Read More
by amanda | Uncategorized
Selling a house with unpermitted work is challenging and complex, and it can lead to legal issues, financial losses, and strained relationships between buyers and sellers. Unpermitted work refers to renovations, additions, or alterations to a property without...
by amanda | Uncategorized
You’ve drafted your will and set up your trust. You’ve signed all of your healthcare documents. You’ve dotted all your I’s and crossed all your T’s. Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step towards securing your future. But,...
by amanda | Uncategorized
As someone who’s thinking about buying or selling a home, you’re probably paying close attention to mortgage rates – and wondering what’s ahead. Read More
by amanda | Uncategorized
The housing market is going through a transition. Read More