by amanda | Uncategorized
Here’s a breakdown of the ways notaries connect with their customers today, how much their services usually cost, and how you can find one.Read More
by amanda | Uncategorized
Every seller wants to get their house sold quickly, for as much money as they can, with as few headaches as possible. Read More
by amanda | Uncategorized
Mortgage rates have hit their lowest point in over a year and a half. Read More
by amanda | Uncategorized
Prenuptial agreements are not just for celebrities, but the messiness that follows a celebrity divorce filing often puts prenuptial agreements in the spotlight. Here are five reasons why Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez (J-Lo) should have had a prenup and why you should...
by amanda | Uncategorized
Should you buy a home now or should you wait? That’s a question a lot of people have these days. Read More