by amanda | Uncategorized
Over the past few years, home prices skyrocketed. That’s been frustrating for buyers, leaving many wondering if they’d ever get a shot at owning a home. Read More
by amanda | Uncategorized
A well-organized inventory is essential for effectively managing and planning the distribution of collectibles, including art. Clients may struggle to track their assets without an inventory, making future distribution and estate planning significantly more...
by amanda | Uncategorized
Let’s face it – buying a home can feel like a challenge with today’s mortgage rates. Read More
by amanda | Uncategorized
Hey everybody – it’s January! How was your New Year’s Eve? How did you celebrate? Did you go to a party? Did you host a party? Were there games at your party? What kind of games? Charades? Jenga? Maybe you went crazy and played Twister!…By:...
by amanda | Uncategorized
Dear Jonathan: Based on my research, I feel like I’m pretty well versed in what I am supposed to do when it comes to creating an estate plan for myself. Everything I have read says that I should have a will, powers of attorney and a trust. What I would like to...